Online Divorce Service

Streamlined Solutions for Your Divorce Needs: Consultation, Mutual, and Contested Resolutions Await!

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About Divorce Services

Divorce is something that can be challenging for anyone financially as well as emotionally, but by getting proper guidance and support, you can protect yourself from such challenges. Therefore, we are offering online Divorce Services. Whether you are looking for Consultation or Lawyer for Mutual or Contested divorce, You can rely on our experienced Divorce Advocates who have years of experience working in this domain.

Divorce proceedings can be sensitive and our experienced advocates understand that. Therefore, they strive to empower our customers to make informed decisions for their future. Moreover, our experienced Divorce Advocates will also let you know about the consequences you may face in the future depending on your situation. Whether seeking divorce legal advice, understanding financial implications, or emotional support, you can trust our dedicated advocates to guide you through the process, empowering you to move forward confidently. We  & our Divorce specialist Advocates prioritize confidentiality and privacy, providing a secure space for customers to discuss concerns and receive proper legal advice & guidance.

Types of Divorce in India

Mutual Divorce in India

In Mutual Divorce, both parties agree on parting their ways with their mutual consent. They take this decision mutually and decide to exchange their items and goods which they have given to each other when they got married.

Conditions of Mutual Divorce

There are certain conditions that should be filled for a Mutual Divorce petition in India. Some of the conditions as per the Hindu Marriage Act & Special Marriage Act are mentioned below:

  1. Mutual Consent for Divorce: A Mutual Consent for Divorce need to be submitted in the honourable court.
  2. Marriage Duration: A petition of Mutual Divorce does not entertain by the court if the duration of marriage is less than one year.
  3. Separation Period: A separation of one year mandatory for the Mutual Divorce.
  4. Agreement: There should be an agreement between the husband and wife in respect of settlement such as maintenance, alimony, child custody, etc.

Process of Mutual Divorce in India

The process of taking Mutual Divorce depends on the law applicable in your judiciary. However, there are few major steps in the process are mentioned below:

  1. Hire a Lawyer: The first step is hiring an experienced Divorce lawyer, who can provide you right legal advice depending on your case.
  2. Drafting & Filing: Now draft and file the Mutual Divorce petition that includes all the facts and the grounds on which you are seeking Divorce.
  3. First Motion: Post filing, You and your wife along with respecting advocate have to appear in front of court at the appointment date.
  4. Joint Statement: Next, court will order will order for joint statement of both parties along with their signature once first motion is passed.
  5. Cooling Off Period: Post first motion, Court will provide a 6 to 18 months cooling off period to reconsider their decision.
  6. Second Motion: Once the colling off period is over and you & your partner are unable to settle the differences, you can file a joint petition for Second Motion.
  7. Court Decision: Once the court is satisfied with the given petition, it issues a Divorce Decree

Documents Required for Mutual Divorce

Below are the documents required for Mutual Divorce in India:

  1. Address proof of both parties
  2. Proof of Marriage
  3. Child related documents
  4. Marriage photo of husband and wife
  5. Settlement details of assets and property
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Contested Divorce is a type of Divorce where one of the party wants to get divorce but the other one doesn’t agree. Such cases take long time for dissolution where decision is taken by the honourable court.

Conditions of Contested Divorce

There are certain conditions that should be filled for a Contested Divorce which are mentiond below:

  1. Cruelty: If your partner has abused you, you may file for divorce.
  2. Addiction: If any of a Spouse if Drug Addict, the court may issue the divorce.
  3. Mental Disorder: If a spouse is Not in Sound Mind, the other one can file for Divorce.
  4. Adultery: The other spouse may file for divorce in court if the other spouse engaged in voluntary sexual relations with another individual.
  5. Desertion or Renunciation: The court may grant a divorce if there has been desertion or renunciation for longer than seven years.
  6. Venereal Disease: Spouse may seek for divorce if one of them has venereal disease.
  7. Conversion: n case of religion change, the other Spouse can seek for Divorce in India.

Process of Contested Divorce in India

The process of filing contested Divorce is lengthier than the Mutual Divorce. Here are the steps:

  1. Hire a Lawyer: Firstly, hire a Divorce Advocate who can right legal advice based on your case and circumstances.
  2. Drafting & Filing: Now, the advocate will draft and file the Divorce petition mentioning the grounds on which you are seeking the divorce from your partner.
  3. Court Appearance & Settlement Attempt: Next, court may try to differences between both partners by counselling or outside settlement talks.
  4. Completion of pleadings: If settlement fails, the spouse who is opposing the Divorce can reply against the divorce petition. Party who filed the petition can reply the other party’s petition.
  5. Trial: Now the court trail will start and at the end court will have facts and the version of both parties. Court then proceeds for trail which will include evidences, cross examination and then the final argument will be done.
  6. Final Judgement: Once the trail is done, court will decide whether a Divorce Decree to be issued or not.

Documents Required for Contested Divorce

Below are the documents required for Mutual Divorce in India:

  1. ID proof of both parties
  2. Marriage photo of husband and wife
  3. Evidence to proof the groud of seeking Divorce.
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    Case Studies

    In our client's case, the discovery of their spouse's affair led to divorce after fifteen years of marriage. Despite the initial shock, they chose open communication and counseling to address the situation respectfully. With our legal guidance, they opted for mediation, reaching agreements on property, custody, and finances. Both committed to co-parenting and emerged from the process with resilience and optimism for the future.

    In our client's case, they discovered their husband's bigamy after ten years of marriage, prompting them to pursue divorce. With legal guidance, they confronted the issue, gathering evidence to dissolve the marriage on grounds of fraud. Despite the emotional turmoil, our client remained determined to seek justice and found solace in knowing they were taking a stand against deception. Ultimately, through legal proceedings, the marriage was dissolved, granting our client the freedom to start anew with a renewed sense of empowerment.
    Our client endured dowry harassment, leading to her seeking a divorce after seven years of marriage. Despite fulfilling her obligation at the time of marriage, her husband and in-laws demanded more, causing financial strain and emotional distress. Despite attempts to salvage the marriage, constant abuse and threats made it untenable. With our legal support, she filed for divorce, presenting a strong case with evidence and witness testimonies. The court ruled in her favor, granting divorce on grounds of dowry harassment. Though emotionally challenging, she found solace in standing against injustice and securing her freedom.

    In our client's story, their spouse unexpectedly decided to leave everything behind for a life of spiritual dedication, ending their fifteen-year marriage. Struggling to reconcile their own desires with their partner’s new path, our client ultimately chose to seek divorce. It was a tough decision, but they wanted to move forward and find peace. With the help of legal guidance, they navigated the emotional challenges of divorce and aimed for a fair resolution. Though painful, our client found comfort in reclaiming their independence and starting anew.


    Yes, in some places, you can apply for divorce online. The ability to apply for divorce online varies depending on your jurisdiction. In many places, online divorce services are available, allowing individuals to initiate the divorce process online. However, the availability and procedures for online can differ significantly from one region to another.
    The time it takes to get divorced varies depending on the complexity of your case and the law in your area. It can take several months to over a year to complete the process.
    Yes, a wife who works can still be eligible for alimony depending on various factors like how much each spouse earns and how they were married.
    In a divorce, a wife can typically claim things like money for support (alimony), a fair part of what the couple owns together (like their home or savings), money to help take care of any children they have, and sometimes other things depending on the laws and the situation.
    The cost of getting divorced can vary widely depending on several factors such as whether you and your spouse can agree on terms if you need a lawyer, court fees, and any other expenses related to dividing assets or who gets custody of the child.
    After a divorce, whether a woman can stay in her husband’s house depends on different things like who owns the house, what’s decided during the divorce process, and the rules in their area. Sometimes, she might be able to stay in the house for a while, or even permanently, if it is agreed upon or ordered by the court.
    Yes, a husband might be able to avoid paying alimony, but it depends on things like the laws where they live, what is agreed upon during the divorce, and their specific situation. It is not guaranteed, but it is possible with the right legal approach.
    No, a court cannot force a husband to stay with his wife. If a husband wants to end the marriage, the court can’t make him stay married.
    • Property Division: Both spouses have the right to a fair division of marital assets and debts.
    • Fair Treatment: Both spouses have the right to be treated fairly and respectfully by the legal system and each other during the divorce proceeding.
    • Child Custody: Both parties have the right regarding custody and visitation of their children, as well as responsibilities for child support.
    • Alimony: Depending on the circumstances, one spouse may have the right to receive financial support from the other spouse after the divorce.
    • Legal Representation: Both parties have the right to seek legal counsel and representation to ensure their rights are protected throughout the  divorce process.
    • Spousal Support: Wives may be more likely to receive spousal support, especially if they were financially dependent on their husbands during the marriage.
    • Child Custody: Custody arrangements for children may favor mothers more often, although this varies based on factors such as the child’s best interests and parental involvement.
    • Division of Assets: The division of marital assets can cary, with courts considering factors such as each spouse’s financial contributions to the marriage and their respective needs post-divorce.
    Anyone who is considering getting a divorce can seek divorce Consultation. This includes married individuals who are experiencing marital issues, contemplating separation, or wanting to understand their legal rights and options regarding divorce.
    Yes, when you seek divorce consultation, your privacy is typically protected. Lawyers and Consultants are legally required to keep your personal information confidential, so you can discuss your situation freely and privately.