Aadhaar OTP and Phone OTP Based Signature

Easiest Digital Signature Solution

eDrafter.in has proudly made the easiest solution for digitally signing any document which an individually or organisation demands
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How it Works?

Fill the FOrm

Enter your details like email and phone number and upload the document.

Get Link on Mail

Once the form is submitted we will email you the link for signing the uploaded document.

Signature Done

The process is completed you will get the digitally signed document on the e-mail provided with the audit trail.

The options are simple (and so is the pricing)


Aadhaar OTP Based Signature

Get your document signed with your Aadhaar Card. Suitable for only those whose Aadhaar Card is linked with the phone.
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Phone Based OTP Signature


If your Aadhaar is not linked with your mobile then no worries you can easily go for Phone Based OTP

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Digital Signature Form

If your Aadhaar Card is not Linked with phone number please go for Phone Based OTP

Only PDF files are supported.

Please recheck the email id before submitting as the signing link will be sent on it.

Please check your spam or inbox if the email is not in the inbox.

Any query please email at [email protected]

Quick Reads

What is Digital Signature and How does it works
